Qball's Weblog

RD Tech - UM25 Power Meter

Tags Reviews  UM25 

Not a real review, but I had one for a while now. Decided to buy another one (with Bluetooth) and make a small application for it. Also used this to hack a serial port on the first one.

This (and a dummy load) has been one of the more useful and used tools I bought in a long time. Below is the README.


The UM25(C) is an USB Power Meter by RD Tech. It can be found for less then €20 on AliExpress.


The specifications are:

It comes with a android and windows application for logging.

This tool is can be used to log the following samples:

(more to be added in future)

It outputs the samples to standard out.

This tool does not handle the bluetooth connection, use bluetoothct/blueman for this. You connect to the /dev/rfcomm0 device.

You can also use this with an UM25 via a USB to serial cable.

The logfile can then be parsed f.e. gnuplot:

Charging Tablet

Dummy load 0-2.1 A

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