Qball's Weblog
Rofi - Updates
Although Rofi is in a good place and is mostly feature complete, I did manage to fix several small annoyances and added several new features. I will list the most important ones below. I hope to make a new release in the coming weeks. It would be nice if I could promote Rofi a bit more. If you have ideas for this, please let me know.
Pasting support
You can now paste the current clipboard (both primary as secondary) to the search entry box.
: Pastes the primary clipboard. -
: Pastes the secondary clipboard.
Disabling History
On request it is now possible to disable the history function. People who use Rofi to enter a lot of manual commands might find this useful.
Levenshtein Distance Sorting
When you start typing to filter the list, initially the results where sorted alphabetically. I have added an option that allows you to sort it by Levenshtein distance. This should allow you to find your desired option more quickly.
Many small fixes
Several small sizing and drawing bugs have been fixed, making things look just that little bit better.
Every blog post needs atleast one image, so here we go.
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