Qball's Weblog
GPX-Viewer 0.3.0 release.
Just release GPX-Viewer 0.3.0.
- Install application/gpx+xml mime type for *.gpx files.
- Update recentmanager to use this mime type for recent files.
- Call update-desktop-database on install/uninstall.
- Merge the GTK3 branch into master.
- Small cleanups.
- Port to GTK3
- Port to libchamplain 0.12
- Track now has height-colors.
- Tracks are clickable. clicking on atrack will highlight that point in the graph.
- Use GtkApplication instead of Unique.
- Stopped detection on tracks. (points detected as stopped are highlighted red.)
- Filter out points that are a linear continuation. (should make for less complex tracks, so improved performance)
- etc..
Download: here
PPA: ppa:gpx-viewer-team/daily