Qball's Weblog
GPX-Viewer 0.2.0
GPX-Viewer is a simple program to view gpx files. It is focussed for viewing files generated why riding my bike. It is simple and ‘just-work’.
- Updated translations
- Fix for bug 448392
- Treeview for switching tracks.
- Improved Playback
- Display number of points and average speed in tracklist.
- Add point list view.
- Add acceleration, elevation speed, etc. graph.
- Add recent file support
- Show scale in graph.
- Add map-type selector.
- Add dock’s and allow them to be moved.
- Indicator that the map is loading data.
- Preferences backend with signal hooks.
- Unique app support.
URL: https://edge.launchpad.net/gpx-viewer/trunk/0.2.0
Download: http://edge.launchpad.net/gpx-viewer/trunk/0.2.0/+download/gpx-viewer-0.2.0.tar.gz (md5)